Poem for Mar 08

Acarya's Writing

Padyavali, Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Srila Rupa Gosvami

Radhaya saha harer vako-vakyam
Conversation Between Krishna and Radha

Verse 284

One morning, when Krishna came to Radha,
Radha asked Him, “My dear Keshava, where
is Your vasa at present?” The Sanskrit word
“vasa” has three meanings: one meaning is
residence, one meaning is fragrance, and
another meaning is dress.

Actually Radharani inquired from Krishna,
“Where is Your dress?” But Krishna
took the meaning as residence, and He
replied to Radharani, “My dear captivated one,
at the present moment My residence is
in Your beautiful eyes.”

To this Radharani replied, “My dear
cunning boy, I did not ask You about
Your residence, I inquired about Your dress.”

Krishna then took the meaning of “vasa” as
fragrance and said, “My dear fortunate one,
I have just assumed this fragrance in order
to be associated with Your body.”

Srimati Radharani again inquired from Krishna,
“Where did You pass Your night?” The exact
Sanskrit word used in this connection was
“yaminyamushitah”. “Yaminyam” means
“at night”, and “ushitah” means “pass.” Krishna,
however, divided the word “yaminyamushitah” into
two separate words, namely “yaminya” and “musitah”.
By dividing this word into two, it came out to mean
that He was kidnapped by Yamini, or night,
Krishna therefore replied to Radharani,
“My dear Radharani, is it possible that night
can kidnap Me?” In this way He was answering
all of the questions of Radharani so cunningly
that He gladdened this dearest of the gopis.
May smiling Lord Krishna protect you all.

— author unknown