Two days left.
Srila Haridasa Thakura told the prostitute,
“I have been initiated into a vow to perform a great sacrifice by chanting the holy names a certain number of times every day. As long as the vow to chant is unfulfilled, I do not desire anything else. When I finish my chanting, then I have an opportunity to do anything.” (_C.c., Antya_ 3.240-41)
This vrata will soon end for me. I am meeting with MV tomorrow night, and then another meeting and prasadam on Friday night—that is our last chanting day. Then a busy day on Saturday, and Sunday we leave. No trace of what I did here except this writing? No, it has made its mark on me.
Green grow the grasses
and the chill air persists.
I’ve got my private room
here where I munch
the syllables for everyone,
the great mantra for deliverance.
Chanted by great souls
and little ones.(_Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name_)
Two days left on my japa vrata.
It has made its mark on me.
“I munch the syllables
for everyone, the great
mantra for deliverance.
Chanted by great
souls and little ones.”