Poem for Jun 15

Acarya's Writing

Padyavali, Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Srila Rupa Gosvami

Tatraiva sakhim prati shri-radha-vacanam
Srimati Radharani’s Words to a Gopi-friend at Kurukshetra

Verse 387

My dear friend,
now I have met My very old
and dear friend Krishna
on this field of Kurukshetra.
I am the same Radharani, and
now We are meeting together.
It is very pleasant, but still
I would like to go to the bank
of the Yamuna beneath the trees
of the forest there. I wish to hear
the vibration of His sweet flute
playing the fifth note
within that forest of Vrindavana.

– Shri Rupa Gosvami