Poem for Mar 09

Acarya's Writing

Padyavali, Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Srila Rupa Gosvami

Radhaya saha harer vako-vakyam
Conversation Between Krishna and Radha

Verse 285

“Radha, You have become kupita (angry).”

“Ku means earth, and pita means father. It is
You who are father of the earth.”

“And You are the mother of all the universes.”

“You are the actual mother of the universes.
You are omniscient. No one is Your equal.”

“O Goddess, Your skill in joking
lover’s quarrels is ananta (unlimited).”

“Nan means bowing down, ta means
the state of being, and a means without.
It is You who possess this quality
of ananta (refusing to bow down).”

May Lord Krishna, who smiled
as He then bowed down before
the beautiful gopi Radha, grant
auspiciousness to you all.

— Sri Harihara