Poem for Mar 11


O Lord who wears a vaijayanti
garland surrounded by bees,
O Lord who has places for
innumerable servitors in Your lila,
please reserve a place for me and
let me come back before too long.

O Lord whose compassionate devotees
want to save the lost souls, whose
preachers are so kind that they
don’t want to go back to Godhead
without bringing the fools with them,
please let me serve Your exalted devotees.

O Lord who wears a peacock feather in Your crown,
in one of his poems to You,
Srila Rupa Gosvami asks
You for protection, and yet
he describes You as the lover
of the gopis. Please
let me know how to pray
to You. There are so many
things I don’t understand.
Please let me know something
so I can help others. Please
especially let me know how
I can become strong and
willing to serve Srila Prabhupada.

(_Writing in Gratitude_)