Poem for Jan 24

Acarya's Writing

Padyavali, Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Srila Rupa Gosvami

Narration of Another Day’s Pastimes


One time Lord Krishna
offended Radha, and They
quarreled. Afterwards, Krishna
disguised Himself as a gopi,
fell down at the feet
of one of Radha’s gopi friends,
pacified Her, and by her arrangement
was able to enter Radha’s house.
When Radha was alone on Her bed,
disguised Krishna approached Her
bedside and began to massage Her body.
The touch of His hand reminded Her
of Krishna. Still thinking Krishna
to be a gopi, She said to Him: “Ah!
You must be very unhappy. Krishna
must have forsaken You as He has Me.”
She looked into Krishna’s eyes.
After that She slowly
and very happily
fell into His arms.

— author unknown