Poem for Feb 03


Radha-Govinda reciprocate with me.
Radha-Govinda, yesterday I wrote that Baladeva
was ready to take on any of the local thugs.
He would beat them off taking
the shelter of Prabhupada, who is fearless.
Lord Nrsimhadeva tore apart the
great demon Hiranyakasipu with His ironlike
fingernails. Gaura and His brother
(Nityananda, who resides downstairs and is
the mightiest of the mighty) defended
and led us to Radha-Govinda
the topmost original power
in all the worlds. We
are always protected by
our entourage of Deities
as long as we worship
Them seriously.
I am grateful Radha-Govinda reside with us at Viraha Bhavan.