Poem for Feb 11

Japa Poem

In the first verse of Manah-siksa, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami bows down and pleads with his mind in a friendly way. He asks his mind to please develop intense love for those things that are really lovable: the spiritual master, the Hare Krishna mantra, the devotees of Vrindavana, and service to Radha-Krishna. He does not declare war right away, but appeals to the mind’s higher nature. I want to pray like that.

In his purport to this verse, Bhaktivinode Thakura tells us that we have to give up all the pride based on our different designations. We should be anxious about this point and not think that these designations will just fall away from us by luck. He tells us to strive to lose these limited designations by serving our initiating and instructing spiritual masters. Bhaktivinode Thakura says the highest type of devotee worships Krishna in Vrindavana in the Vraja spirit.

(_Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name_)

Sri Manah-siksa by Raghunatha Dasa Goswami – Instructions to the Mind

“O mind, I grasp your feet and beg you with sweet words: Please cast away all hypocrisy and develop intense, unprecedented love for my spiritual master, Vrajabhumi, the people of Vraja, the Vaisnavas, the brahmanas, the Gayatri mantra, the holy name, and the transcendental shelter that is the fresh young couple of Vraja, Radha and Krishna.” (_Sri Manah-siksa_, Text 1)