Poem for Feb 11


Dear Radha and Krishna
please give me strength to
serve in the movement of
Lord Caitanya as ordered by Srila Prabhupada.
I’m afraid of rats, mice, thugs . . .
get headaches and wince.

Please let me tolerate,
not jump or cave in
or blaspheme or neglect.
I have millions of miles to
go to attain even an ounce
of genuine spontaneous love.
But You can grant it.

Please give me strength.
Please bring me to You, to
see You in Your temple.

Today Radha and Krishna wear
pinkish outfits with a slight purple tint,
flouncy and shapely dress of Radharani
and Krishna’s dhoti blowing in the breeze
as He plays His flute.

In the silent, empty temple room
I hear the wind moving and
the building creaking. Elsewhere
in this building, someone is playing a tape,
and I can hear the sounds of people moving.
I don’t want to become overfamiliar, so
I keep my visits short. I pray
to never leave Them, but to always serve
Them and Their pure devotee,
to become courageous
and to tolerate my fears.

(_Cc. Asraya, A Diary While Attempting to Read
__Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta_)