Srila Prabhupada exposes my mentality when he says some people object to Krishna’s order, “Surrender to Me.” They think, “Who is Krishna that I have to surrender to Him? I am as good as Krishna.” You feel selfish and tired and don’t want to serve Him. Better wake up, spirit soul. The stakes are high. If out of laziness and false ego you don’t want to serve Krishna, do you know what the alternatives are? The way to serve is by prayerfully saying His Names. Don’t do it looking for your own bliss and thereby thinking “the chanting is not working” when you don’t feel “something.” If all you want is to feel something, you can take a shot of whiskey. When you chant, be aware that you are serving Krishna, serving Rama, and that you want to do it. I truly want to serve with bhava, but because I cannot serve Him in that way right now, still I will serve with whatever I have.
This day has been given to you. It is given to the sparrows and worms and trees and flowers also. But the gift of a day in human life is a rare chance. Don’t think all you need to do is eat two meals and rest and fill up the other hours in a routine way. It may be possible today to make a serious improvement in japa. Even if it is a small step forward, you may be able to do it. Speak to your mind. Tell him the benefits of staying fixed on harer nama. And then stay fixed.
I have picked yellow and white wildflowers for the vase. The dogs didn’t bark. It’s cold but clear-skied. I tell you, it’s a great opportunity. To prove it, why don’t you chant a round now and really pay attention to the mantras from tongue to ear to mind to heart to soul?
(_Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name_)
The human form of life is rare.
Unlike the animals
we can make improvement
in chanting harer nama.
“To prove it, why
don’t you chant one round now and
really pay attention to the mantras
from tongue to ear
to mind to heart to soul?”