Poem for Apr 10

Japa Poem

The practice is sweet to be up early and chanting. Also, chanting produces chanting. For me to be willing to chant extra japa, I need to accept that chanting doesn’t have to have a further result. That result may come, and it is expected to come gradually. I should be gaining altitude, although I may not notice it now. The captain says, “Sit back and enjoy the flight.” So we chant on our beads while the captain handles the flight, where we go, how high, etc. Our job is simply to chant and chant.

This can be limiting, but we have to accept that limit if we want to chant. We have to wait for mercy, because ultimately we cannot attain Krishna on our own. We can only endeavor humbly. Lord Caitanya said we should wear trnad api sunicena like a garland around our necks. I am tiny, I cannot think so much of the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. I know I should; I know japa should be rasa-filled, yet we could go on for years without reaching the goal of Krishna-prema. But what can I do now to attain that goal? I can only chant and chant and chant. It seems like that’s the best I can do. Srila Prabhupada agrees.

(_Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name_)


I say we have to chant and chant
as “the airplane” rises in elevation.
I am tiny.
I know japa should
be rasa-filled with
thoughts of Radha-Krishna, yet
I could go years
without reaching the goal.
What to do? “I
can only chant and chant
and chant. This is
the best I can do.
Prabhupada agrees.”