Radha-Govinda reciprocate with me.
Radha-Govinda, one’s ishta-deva is
not a Deity in a temple
that one occasionally visits.
They are the favorite forms you
live with and worship
every day. You see Them
in the early morning and
in the afternoon. At the end
of the day, you place
Them in bed. By making
Them your constant companions,
you grow close to Them.
You grow attached to Them,
and They are happy with you.
I have an entourage
of arca-vigrahas, Lord Caitanya,
Prabhupada, Lord Nrsimhadeva.
You are my worshipable family.
I am Your worshiping son.
You protect me,
and I take shelter
at Your lotus feet.
We share love.
I am grateful You reside with me at Viraha Bhavan.