We were paid an annual visit
by Radhanath Swami and some of his men.
He entertained us for many hours
with fascinating stories of his service
in Krishna consciousness. He told how
in the early years, he spent seven years
on an isolated mountain in New Vrindavana
where he was the sole pujari
of Radha-Krishna deities and did
six aratis a day for Them. Then
his authority, Kirtanananda Swami,
told him to go out and preach. He
gave him no money, men, or vehicle,
just a stark order to go out and preach
at the colleges and high school. At first
Radhanath Swami had no idea what to do.
But he plunged into it, and although
it was austere, he met with success.
In later years, when he was a sannyasi,
he attended the “Rainbow Gatherings”
where thousands of wild, naked hippies reveled.
With just a few devotees Radhanath Swami
would prepare huge amounts of halava and
distribute it to the masses, inducing them
to chant and dance. His presence elevated
the atmosphere of the Rainbow Gatherings
and he became known as the “Rainbow Swami.”
He told me about the ISKCON Eco-village near
Mumbai, India and how it won the #1 prize
among hundreds nominated for the award for
its contribution to sustaining a green environment.
It attracts many interested tourists and
corporately responsible visitors to the community.
We served him and his men a Spanish gourmet
lunch made by our Spanish visitors.
They enjoyed it very much.
While here, he also visited
Ravindra Svarupa and Dhanudhara Swami.
His yearly visits are a great blessing
on Viraha Bhavan.