Poem for May 25

Personal Stanza

I have a new stationary bike
given to me by Kirtan Rasa.
I am committing myself
to do regular exercise for building up
the strength in my legs
so that eventually
I can walk again. At present
I am very sedentary
and mostly sit in my chair.
Now I take a fifteen minute walk outdoors
supported by the hand of a devotee;
in addition, I pedal on the bike for fifteen minutes.
I am serious about
this new practice. At present
I am not able to walk for more than
fifteen minutes on my daily walks,
and now, by practicing with this bike,
I have hope of attaining the goal
of walking regularly again.
It is a challenge.
Gradually I intend to increase
the time I spend on the bike
and build up my strength.
Another benefit of the bike is that
I play recordings of Prabhupada’s lectures
while I exercise. I have wanted to
do this hearing of Prabhupada
for a long time,
and now I have the opportunity.