Radha-Govinda reciprocate with me.
Radha-Govinda, I picked You up
in Vrindavana almost eight years
ago, and now You are
standing close together
on the altar at Viraha Bhavan
in attractive dress,
receiving three meals
a day and allowing
me unrestricted darsana
throughout the day.
You are very dear to me.
You are only four feet away
from my chair.
I gaze at You with
adoration and pray
for the full realization
that You are nondifferent
from Radha-Krishna
in Goloka Vrindavana.
I already have some
dawning understanding
of this; I accept You
as arca-avataras, kindly
descended from the
spiritual world. Please
complete my life – anoint
my eyes with the salve
of love so that I can see
You as You are.
I am grateful that You
reside with me at Viraha Bhavan.