John Endler, the Baptist Minister
who loves Krishna consciousness,
made a special Wednesday visit
to meet with Jayadvaita Maharaj.
They talked about the Ecclesiastes section
of the Old Testament, which Jayadvaita
Maharaj has written a book on.
They talked about the controversies
over different editions of the scriptures.
John said that many of his parishioners
from out of the USA come to him in his
parish, and they are trained in reading
the King James version of the Bible
and nothing else. John’s congregation
doesn’t use the King James’ version
of the Bible, and he has to do
a lot of explaining to get the King James’
version readers to accept the new
edition. It is similar to the controversy
in ISKCON about the “original” edition
of Prabhupada’s books.
Jayadvaita Swami is preparing for me
a compilation tape of Prabhupada singing
bhajans. He uses this to help him
fall asleep at night. He plays it very low,
and it relaxes him and induces sleep.
I have trouble sleeping for the six hours
I allot myself, so I am going to set myself
up with a long loop of Prabhupada singing
bhajans and see if it helps lull me to sleep.
Jayadvaita Maharaj has wet khichri
every day and nothing else. We have
been following his example and
taking wet khichri along with him.
We find it very satisfying and are
becoming addicted to it as a steady menu.