Poem for Jun 23


Radha-Govinda, You look beautiful every day.
I can count on you as certainly
as the sun is rising. You are
always looking back at me,
giving me Your grace. It is
only I who fail to catch
Your darsana, on account
of some defect of mine. Fortunately,
there are enough hours and minutes
in the day when I can gaze
on You with adoration.
My vision can and will cooperate,
and I see Govinda’s lotus feet,
His steady arms
and hands hold the long flute.
And I see Radharani’s lovely
figure standing close
beside Him, offering a
rosebud or a betelnut.
Her face and eyes are young
and innocent, and if I am
lucky, I make contact.
These are my ishta devatas,
and I approach Them
every day, praying for Their darsana.
I am grateful Radha-Govinda
reside with me at Viraha Bhavan.