Poem for Jul 02

Japa Poem

My dear Lord, again I pray with a wish to know You better. As I know You more, I will love You more and serve You more. The ways to know You are standard, as given in sadhana-bhakti by You and the acaryas in Your disciplic succession. I just have to follow them sincerely and seriously.

(_Japa Transformations_) ​​


I stay at a decent level,
but I wish I could
go better. Fresher
into the realm of the Hare Krishna mantra.
Lord Krishna said to Markandeya Rsi,
“Concealing My
real identity as Syamasundar,
I appear as Lord Caitanya protecting
My devotees.”
The Supreme Lord appears
in Naradiya Purana
as a peaceful brahmana;
the Lord who comes in Kali-yuga
comes in the disguise of a devotee and
offers protection to His associates.