Poem for Jan 13

Acarya's Writing

Padyavali, Anthology of Devotional Poetry
Srila Rupa Gosvami

Tam prati shri-radha-vakyam
Srimati Radharani’s Reply

Verses 235–236

When My lover, Krishna, stands
before Me and speaks sweet words,
do all My senses become ears, or
do they become eyes? I do not know.

When I gaze at Krishna, the creator
Brahma does not transform all My
senses into eyes. When I hear about
Krishna’s transcendental qualities,
Brahma does not transform all My
senses into ears. When I speak with Krishna,
Brahma does not transform all My limbs
into mouths. Brahma does not know anything
about drinking the nectar of Krishna.

—author unknown (Verse 235)
—Sri Sharana (Verse 236)