Poem for Mar 08

Japa Report

Baladeva’s alarm clock went off at 1:00 A.M.,
and our cowbells followed.
He administered my wake-up rituals,
including a pre-emptive strike against headaches.
I went into the room
where the Deities are and bowed down.
I used the precautions against headaches
and began chanting my japa.
I practiced “just hear” –
the method I am capable of.
You chant and hear
with no other meditation.
It is recommended by Srila Prabhupada.
Anyone who understands that the Name
is non-different from Krishna Himself
is achieving a rare stage of japa.
I met my quota after four rounds
with minutes to spare.

I began the second set
at the same pace.
I made my priority
speed over quality,
but I did not rush recklessly
through the holy names.
I held on to the bead until
the sixteen words were finished.
Although I was chanting
silently in my mind,
I heard the Names clearly,
attentively, and with concern
to pronounce the words properly.
I was committing nama aparadha,
inattention to the Names.
But the maha-mantra is
so merciful and powerful
that it vanquishes sinful reactions,
ushers in liberation
and brings one gradually to love of God,
even when chanted with imperfections
as I was doing.
I finished eight rounds
with minutes to spare.

I turned to the third set.
Because I was falling behind,
I placed emphasis on speed.
But, again, I did not rush recklessly.
I held on to the bead in each group
of sixteen words before moving on
to the next group of sixteen words.
I listened attentively and made good time.

I proceeded to the fourth set
continuing to give priority
to speed over quality. I tried
to avoid mere mechanical chanting
by cultivating thoughtfulness
and devotional feelings.
I completed my sixteenth round
with minutes to spare on the overall quota.
Throughout all the sets,
I had no eyestrain or headache.
I was grateful for that.
Grateful to Radha and Krishna for
keeping me pain free.

I considered it a half-decent session.
Despite going slowly, I met
my quotas with minutes to spare.
I could not rate it “decent”
because there was too much delay
and slow pace.
At least I follow the process
of doing a prescribed number of rounds
in obedience to the order of the spiritual master,
a sacred vow.