Poem for Mar 08

Personal Stanza

We are shorthanded in our ashram, and
Baladeva has to do all the service himself.
Yesterday his sister Cathy was here and cooked
a diabetic meal from the cookbook. It was an
Athenian zucchini style dish with cheesy,
cauliflower potato mash. Afterwards, my
blood work registered low when my finger was
pricked, and I did not have to take any insulin.
Cathy also cleaned the whole kitchen floor.
The other day I had my first home visit from
a physiotherapist. He taught me exercises
and emphasized that I should always use
the walker on wheels and not try to walk
by myself, because I am too unsteady and prone
to falling (which I had already done). We did
well when we worked out together. He wants
me to do the exercises two or three times a day.
After he left, I tried to do the exercises on my own,
but I had many pains in my legs. It was rough.
I had a sharp pain at the back of my calf
on the right leg, and pains in the ankles where
he was having me do quick “stand-ups.” Also,
the old pain in the metatarsal of my left foot,
which came as a result of the surgery. So I am
not able to do the full exercises that Joe, the
physiotherapist, asked me to do. He will be
coming back next Wednesday, and I will have to
tell him that I am not able to do the full exercises.
We will see what he says then.