Poem for Jan 29


Radha-Govinda reciprocate with me.
Radha-Govinda, You are my ishta-deva,
my favorite worshipable forms.
I love to see Govinda’s exposed
lotus feet, His three-fold bending form,
the way He holds His flute
to His lips. And I am
drawn to Radharani’s extended
right hand, painted red and
offering a betel nut to Her lover.
I love to gaze at Her golden hue
and the thick silver necklaces
and expansive skirt. They are
the Supreme Personality of Godhead
and His love-giving potency
ruling over all the worlds.
But They like best Their
intimate friendship with
the confidential people
of Vrindavana who live
just for the pleasure of
serving Them.
Radha and Krishna
and Their associates
form the best relationships of all.
I am grateful They reside with me in Viraha Bhavan.