Poem for Feb 06

Japa Poem


It’s raining. I wear rubber
rain gear from head to foot and
walk the roads instead of the windy beach.
Chant, chant.
But I don’t beat my mind.
Chant anyway. It goes
deeper, it goes deeper than
I know it. God looks on.
Chant, chant.

I’m sorry I’m not better. I love
to write and publish,
so why don’t I love to chant?
You do, I tell myself. You do.
In your own way you do, like
that country song: “I’m always true to
you, darling, in my fashion,
I’m always true to you, darling,
in my way.”

I’m not endorsing poor japa,
just giving myself solace.
I love the life of chanting and
beads and bead bags and people
who chant and any sincere enthusiastic
praise of japa I hear.

Pebbly road,
gray with rain, no one else is awake.
Back indoors the raindrops roll off
my rubber coat and pants,
and I smile and talk with the men while
I keep this discovery of solace to myself,
until I write it here to help me remember.

(Gentle Power, Collected Poems 1995–1996)