In the _Caitanya-caritamrta_, Lord Caitanya teaches Sanatana Gosvami about life’s ultimate goal. He describes the nine symptoms of bhava—the ones by which we can assess ourselves rather than by measuring our bodily ecstasies.
The first symptom is forgiveness the second, “concern that time should not be wasted.” We could look at this list every day and meditate on how to forgive, how to follow this path to its conclusion. Other symptoms: a taste for chanting the holy name, affection for those places where the Lord resides, absence of false prestige, hope against hope, and eagerness to attain Krishna.
I tend to be disturbed by my physical pain. When one pain subsides, a new one arises. But, “If love for Krishna in a seedling stage has fructified in one’s heart, one is not agitated by material things.” (Cc. Madhya 23.20)
(_Cc. Asraya, A Diary While Attempting to Read _Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta__)