āmantrya pāṇḍu-putrāṁś ca
dvaipāyanādibhir vipraiḥ
pūjitaiḥ pratipūjitaḥLord Śrī Kṛṣṇa then prepared for His departure. He invited the sons of Pāṇḍu, after having been worshiped by the brāhmaṇas, headed by Śrīla Vyāsadeva. The Lord also reciprocated greetings.
Canto 1, Chapter 8, Text 8
gantuṁ kṛtamatir brahman
dvārakāṁ ratham āsthitaḥ
upalebhe ’bhidhāvantīm
uttarāṁ bhaya-vihvalāmAs soon as He seated Himself on the chariot to start for Dvārakā, He saw Uttarā hurrying toward Him in fear.