Poem for Jun 11

Japa Poem

He does his daily sadhana and laments he doesn’t go higher. What do you expect, little sailor – to achieve the saksad darsana of the Lord? To converse with Him like Sanatana Gosvami and Madana-mohan? To immerse yourself in His wonderful qualities and His pastimes with the gopis? Well, why not? That’s the goal of the chanting. Ah, but He has to allow you in those sacred precincts, and He doesn’t think you’re worthy just yet. Chant with enthusiasm, confidence, and patience at the lower stage and pray that the day will come.

(_Japa Transformations_)


He laments he doesn’t go
higher in his japa.
Does he expect
a direct darsana
of Krishna? To converse
with Him as Sanatana Goswami did
with Madana-mohan Deity?
Krishna has to allow
such intimacy,
and He doesn’t think you
are qualified
“Chant with . . .
patience at the
lower stage and hope
the day will come.”