Poem for Jul 19

Personal Stanza

Rama Raya and Madhu Mangala
visited us from their service in
the New York City harinama party.
Rama Raya is taking a short break
from the intensity of the “concrete jungle.”
Natabara Gauranga is also enjoying
his stay away from the City. He
reads in a special spot by the river
and chants his rounds. He says
it’s nice to “smell grass instead of urine.”
Madhu Mangala is earning money
and preparing to leave for India,
where he will join his wife in Vraja
and they will live together.
Yesterday Baladeva got sick
with the same symptoms
that sent him recently to
the emergency room. He was
shaking, feeling heart palpitations
and over-heated. But this time
he caught the symptoms early.
He hydrated himself by drinking
a couple of cartons of coconut water.
Mukta Vandya, who is visiting
from Boston, had the idea that
we should get an air conditioning
unit for downstairs to stop the
overheating. He went out and got one,
and the combination of these tactics
relieved Baladeva of his oncoming
illness. We are all glad that he
caught it early and knows what
to do now without having to go
to the hospital. Today he has an
appointment with the cardiologist
and he will tell him how he treated
himself in his sickness and
hear what the doctor says.