Poem for Jan 29

Japa Report

Baladeva’s alarm clock went off at 1:00 A.M.,
and our cowbells followed.
He administered my wake-up rituals,
including a pre-emptive strike
of headache medicines
before the chanting.
I used the walker to go into the room
where the Deities are and bowed down.
I took all the precautionary measures
and started japa. I was distracted
by thinking of Vilapa-kusamanjali
by Raghunatha dasa Goswami.
The narration tells that
Rupa Manjari’s husband is
not at home, but she has been
kissed on the lips
leaving a scar like a parrot’s beak.
The true story is that Krishna,
seeing Rupa Manjari as identical
in complexion and dress
to Radharani, became bewildered
and mistook her for Radharani.
Krishna kissed her, and Rupa Manjari
was mortified, thinking her chastity
had been compromised. She
went to Radharani and complained.
Radharani pacified her and told her
it had been Her arrangement
to give Rupa Manjari a benediction.
But still Rupa Manjari was upset.

Otherwise, except for this distraction,
my chanting was alert, attentive,
and conducted with concern to
pronounce the words properly.
I practiced “just hear.”
I am satisfied with this process,
and I am capable of it.
You just chant and hear the Names
with no other meditation.
Anyone who understands that the Name
is non-different from Krishna Himself
and absorbs himself
in the transcendental sound vibration,
is achieving a rare stage of japa.
I met my quota after four rounds
with ample minutes to spare.
Then I turned to writing
in my Japa Report for a
change of pace and relief
from constant chanting.
I received no twinge in
the eye during the whole time.

I began the second set in the same way,
going moderately and vocally.
I was pleased to be doing japa
in the sanctified atmosphere
of my bhajana-kutir.
I was distracted by planning
what to write in my Japa Report,
but it was not so bad because I
had already done some writing.
Nevertheless, I was
committing aparadha:
inattention to the holy names,
so my chanting was faulty.
but the maha-mantra is so
merciful and powerful that it
vanquishes sinful reactions,
ushers in liberation
and brings one gradually to love of God,
which is the real goal of japa,
even when committed with mistakes,
as I was doing.
I met my quota after eight rounds
with ample minutes to spare.
Then I turned again towards
writing in the Report.

I began the third set trying
to avoid mechanical chanting
by cultivating thoughtfulness
and devotional feelings. For
thoughtfulness, I adhered to
“just hear.” This enabled me
to just pay attention to the
individual mantras. For
feelings, I thought of the
sweetness of Radha-Govinda.
I acknowledged that They
are the heart of the Hare Krishna mantra.
I finished my twelfth round
being a few minutes behind on the quota.
I turned again to writing in my Report.

I started my fourth set
at a quickened pace,
and silently.
I strictly practiced “just hear”
and did not do reckless rushing.
I completed my sixteenth round
with a few minutes to spare.
At least I followed the process
of doing a prescribed number of rounds
in obedience to the order
of the spiritual master,
a sacred vow.

I considered it a decent session,
with no handicap. I had no
discomfort in the eye for
the whole sixteen rounds.
This is auspicious
and a tribute to the
pre-emptive strike method.
The rounds were done
partly vocally and partly quietly.
I practiced “just hear” throughout.
I was alert and awake the whole time.
I managed to meet all my quotas
with minutes to spare.
I chanted with decent attention.