Free Write Session #02

August 20, 2018 We’re going back to home, back to Godhead. Not “May we all meet in Heaven Café/Writing for Eternity.” Or we may not go back to Godhead after this lifetime. But it is our goal, or devotional service life after life, joining up with Prabhupada. We talked on Skype with Ishana and Arjuna […]

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Free Write Session #01

August 19, 2018 Narayana Kavaca is fired up and deeply absorbed in a writing project. He is writing two volumes of a novel. He sent me a letter and said it’s going faster than he expected, and he’s already completed 350 pages and needs another 350 pages to finish the first volume. His letter included […]

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Vaisnava Compassion

I was aware of the concept of compassion before I met Srila Prabhupada. While I was studying at Brooklyn College, I took a philosophy course in which we studied the writings of Bertrand Russell, who gave a synopsis of Buddha’s philosophy, compared it to Nietzsche’s approach to humankind, and asked in effect, “Which do you […]

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From Imperfection Purity will come about

I am writing in a blind, groping way, rolling on and on. I mouth the words, “I surrender my works to Prabhupada.” If it’s good literature, I dedicate it to him; if there’s something wrong, I take the blame. I am one of his devotees. I want Krishna conscious substance. I want something genuine. But […]

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My search through books

The Return of the Lost Servant William Wigglesworth was a story about a small boy who had lost his little dog. The whole book was about William asking people, “Have you seen my dog?” No one could find the dog. Finally, he met a man who had a big house filled with dogs. Was William’s […]

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Dear Sky

March 19 Trinidad Dear builder of dreams, This is interdepartmental mail. It doesn’t require U.S. postage, and yet I don’t know where exactly to send it. Since there’s always a person in charge, there must be someone who builds my dreams. So I’m writing to you, unconscious dream-building self. Last night I had a dream […]

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Journal and Poems – book 1

June 1 From time to time I’m reminded of and embarrassed by the limitations of my existence here. In a Bhagavatam class, Prabhanu dasa spoke about the rare opportunity of human life. He said that now at Gita-nagari one can see so many forms of life, and yet very, very few of them are able […]

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Truthfulness – the last leg of religion

The Age of Hypocrisy A hypocritical act that is easy to fall into is to think that because one is on the path of Krishna consciousness, he is therefore automatically better than every devotee of every other sampradaya. We are very fortunate to be on the best path, the path of bhakti-yoga, but how far […]

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