My Dear Lord Krishna

My dear Lord Krishna… I want to praise You; O Govinda, the player of the flute, the lover of the gopis, I want to hear about You in those activities. I also like to hear about Your dealings with the Pandavas and how learned bhaktas of Yours like Narada Muni describe You in the scriptures. […]

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A poor man reads the Bhagavatama – Vol. IV

SB 1.7.22 arjuna uvaca krishna krishna maha-baho bhaktanam abhayankara tvam eko dahyamananam apavargo ‘si samsrteh “Arjuna said: O my Lord Sri Krishna, You are the almighty Personality of Godhead. There is no limit to Your different energies. Therefore only You are competent to instill fearlessness in the hearts of Your devotees. Everyone in the flames of […]

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ISKCON in the 1970s

July 10, London I went to his room. He said, “At long last.” Asked me about my journey from Bombay. “So you were able to break your journey?” Revatinandana Swami said he was speaking to an Oxford professor who said the Bhagavatam was written only 1,500 years ago and can be told by the modern […]

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My Dear Lord Krishna

My Dear Lord Krishna, I am writing to You. I became lost to You, but I am finding You again. “For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me” (Bg. 6.30). A devotee sees You everywhere and sees everything in You. He […]

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Shack Notes

6:30 A.M. I just wrote a letter to a woman newly coming to Krishna consciousness. She asked questions about how to approach a spiritual master. She thought she could get initiated right away, and that there were a group of initiating gurus to choose from who lived in different zones, as it used to be. […]

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Distribute Books

A letter was drafted and signed by Tamala Krishna Goswami, the G.B.C., and Prabhupada signed also, on a line marked “approved.” The letter stated that all traveling and temple sankirtana parties should always wear tilaka, dhotis, neck beads, and sikha, and depend on Krishna rather than disguises to help distribute books. At the bottom of […]

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Can a white man be an Haribol?

Introduction St. Augustine said that perceptions made free of past or present associations provide “presages of the Divine.” By living with our sense perceptions in present time, even if what we see is not absolute, we can find ourselves pointed to the Absolute—if that’s where we wish to go. Krishna hints at this when He […]

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ISKCON in the 1970s

October 20 Detroit I have been hearing of the activities of a demon in the U.S. called the deprogrammer, who is paid by parents of Hare Krishna devotees to kidnap and torture the devotees into giving up Krishna consciousness and returning to nondevotee life. Last night I woke from a dream and felt like I […]

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