Free Write Journal #15

November 11, 2018 Krsna is my Lord. I can see Him and Radha as arca-vigraha on my altar. They have changed Their dress today. Neophyte’s darsana: his hairs don’t stand on end, but he enjoys a steady gaze. When They are away from the altar getting bathed and dressed, it is empty and “void.” Now […]

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Free Write Journal #14

November 7, 2018 This is the fourteenth week of the Free Write Journal. I proofread the complete Ms. of POEMS From Every Day, Just Write. I found many mistakes, including some I had already corrected (omitted) but which popped back into the book. I’m thinking of asking Guru dasa to also do a proofreading. “The […]

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Free Write Journal #13

November 4, 2018 This is the thirteenth week of the Journal. I announced in the 26 Second Avenue storefront that the devotees could use my apartment on First Street for taking showers. (They had been using the Swami’s bathroom.) So they started coming over, and I gave up my solitude. The janitor, who was French, […]

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Free Write Journal #12

October 28, 2018 This is the twelfth week of the Journal. Hare Kṛṣṇa, the maha-mantra for deliverance. Krishna-kripa is proofreading my compilation of poems. When I actually got down to proofreading, I omitted the explicit name-dropping of jazz musicians but kept the rhythm and improvisation of the music. All the poems are steering to Kṛṣṇa […]

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Free Write Journal #11

October 21, 2018 This is the eleventh week of the Journal. I have been putting out twenty pages a week, but last week I stopped at nine-and-a-half pages. I think the reduced amount is more doable for me, and I suspect the readers find it agreeable. I still have to stare at the blank page […]

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Free Write Journal #10

October 12, 2018 This is the tenth week of the Journal. Readers can see the previous weeks by looking them up in our archives on the websites. John Endler is coming today. I will tell him I want to end the book with EJW 17: Radha-Govinda, We Hardly Knew Ya. This is the last volume […]

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Free Write Journal #09

October 4, 2018 This is week number nine of the Free Write Journal. The Brhad-Bhagavatamrta moves too fast for me to note all the devotees that Narada meets and who each deny that they are the true objects of the Supreme Lord’s mercy. Prahlada denied that he was the one and recommended that Narada go […]

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Free Write Journal #08

September 25, 2018 This is the eighth week of the Free Write Journal. On the last four rounds of japa this morning, I was sleepy. I daydreamed of trying to come up with subjects to write about in the Journal. I remembered an illustration I had recently seen in Rolling Stone magazine while waiting for […]

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