Free Write Journal #18

November 28, 2018 This is the 18th week of the Journal. Today is Wednesday, November 28th. My Vyasa-puja occurs in three days on Saturday, December 1st. This week’s Journal won’t be posted on the websites until Vyasa-puja has already come and gone. I’ll have my lecture typed, and I will read it. It is all […]

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Free Write Journal #17

November 24, 2018 5:43 A.M. There is little time to write in. You have to stretch out. Visitors coming today, Visnu-Aradhanam, John Endler, Kirtana-Rasa and Alena. Plus others. The table will be crowded. Should we read C.c. or just have conversation? I’d rather have a scripture reading, but the guests might prefer conversation. That usually […]

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Free Write Journal #16

November 18, 2018 We are reading Chapter Three of Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, “The External Reason for Lord Caitanya’s Appearance.” It is “external,” but it is not unimportant, material or anything like that. It is Lord Caitanya’s introducing the mission of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, the only religious sacrifice for the age of Kali. That is […]

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Free Write Journal #15

November 11, 2018 Krsna is my Lord. I can see Him and Radha as arca-vigraha on my altar. They have changed Their dress today. Neophyte’s darsana: his hairs don’t stand on end, but he enjoys a steady gaze. When They are away from the altar getting bathed and dressed, it is empty and “void.” Now […]

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Free Write Journal #14

November 7, 2018 This is the fourteenth week of the Free Write Journal. I proofread the complete Ms. of POEMS From Every Day, Just Write. I found many mistakes, including some I had already corrected (omitted) but which popped back into the book. I’m thinking of asking Guru dasa to also do a proofreading. “The […]

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Free Write Journal #13

November 4, 2018 This is the thirteenth week of the Journal. I announced in the 26 Second Avenue storefront that the devotees could use my apartment on First Street for taking showers. (They had been using the Swami’s bathroom.) So they started coming over, and I gave up my solitude. The janitor, who was French, […]

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Free Write Journal #12

October 28, 2018 This is the twelfth week of the Journal. Hare Kṛṣṇa, the maha-mantra for deliverance. Krishna-kripa is proofreading my compilation of poems. When I actually got down to proofreading, I omitted the explicit name-dropping of jazz musicians but kept the rhythm and improvisation of the music. All the poems are steering to Kṛṣṇa […]

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Free Write Journal #11

October 21, 2018 This is the eleventh week of the Journal. I have been putting out twenty pages a week, but last week I stopped at nine-and-a-half pages. I think the reduced amount is more doable for me, and I suspect the readers find it agreeable. I still have to stare at the blank page […]

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