Free Write Journal #10

October 12, 2018 This is the tenth week of the Journal. Readers can see the previous weeks by looking them up in our archives on the websites. John Endler is coming today. I will tell him I want to end the book with EJW 17: Radha-Govinda, We Hardly Knew Ya. This is the last volume […]

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Free Write Journal #09

October 4, 2018 This is week number nine of the Free Write Journal. The Brhad-Bhagavatamrta moves too fast for me to note all the devotees that Narada meets and who each deny that they are the true objects of the Supreme Lord’s mercy. Prahlada denied that he was the one and recommended that Narada go […]

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Free Write Journal #08

September 25, 2018 This is the eighth week of the Free Write Journal. On the last four rounds of japa this morning, I was sleepy. I daydreamed of trying to come up with subjects to write about in the Journal. I remembered an illustration I had recently seen in Rolling Stone magazine while waiting for […]

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Free Write Journal #07

September 16, 2018 This is the seventh week of the Journal. We had a nice Radhastami celebration; about thirty devotees, including some new faces, crowded into our ashram. Radha-Govinda came downstairs and were put in a central spot with lots of flowers and a waterfall, but there were so many other Deities, including the Big […]

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Free Write Journal #06

September 7, 2018 This is the sixth week of the Free Write Journal. I saw John today and asked him to make editorial changes in the poem compilations we are making. I read to him from the ending of the fifth week of the Free Write Journal where I state that I have taken a […]

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Free Write Journal #05

August 30,  2018 (continued) This is the fifth week of the Free Write Journal. Sometimes I am writing ahead of the calendar and sometimes behind; Janmastami is happening on Monday, it is yet to come. It doesn’t matter. This is not meant to be an accurate time log diary. By the time this fifth week […]

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Free Write Session #04

August 26, 2018 This is the fourth week of keeping the Journal. I have been writing about dying, illness and health. I am not preoccupied by these. I am inspired to write. But my doctor, Nitai-Gaurasundara, advised me not to neglect the physical exercises; they are very important. So I am committed again to doing […]

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Free Write Session #03

“I want to include my readers in this journal, readers now and in the future. I keep this journal for my readers that they may learn of the path ahead, that we may traverse it together, though I may have gone many years before. I offer this to you that you may bear witness to […]

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